Sunday, July 5, 2009

When life is upside down


Have you ever had a day, week, month or year when you truly wondered just what the Lord was doing in your life.

I have had such a week this past week. I was tired, my Fibromyalgia has been kicking me hard, I had a bad attitude about circumstances and I was frustrated by many little things. All of this came crashing down on Thursday. Words were said that I can't take back, My attitude affected others and I was just angry over circumstances that I had allowed to go on for too long.
It wasn't a pretty picture of what a godly woman is to be. As I sat stewing in my mess the Lord in his power orchestrated a whole new series of events that would once again stress me out and put more responsibility on my plate that I really wanted to handle.

A day out with my sister on Friday in Hastings turned into a family crisis when Jon's mom fell and broke her hip. After I waited three hours in Hastings for our local hospital to arrange to transport her, the ambulance finally arrived in Hastings and my frail mother in law said to me. "Debbie I was using my walker when I fell." At that moment the Lord gave me grace to put all these issues aside and just minister to her. Just the day before we had had words as she went somewhere without her walker and my response had been "Mom if you break your hip we will really have problems." The Lord already knew that this would happen and that He would put me to the test of showing grace and love or just being upset over our circumstances. All of this couldn't happened at a more inconvenient time. We are to be gone next week to a VM Mini Conference, then we come home to VBS and then the following Hannah graduates from our Home School. God knew and he also wants me to look to him and not myself to get through these next weeks and months.

This morning in my quiet time I read the following devotional by Elizabeth George.

Is this a time when nothing is going the way you planned? Keep on loving the Lord and fulfilling His purposes no matter how undesirable or unexpected your circumstances are. God's prophet Jeremiah told the bewildered people of Israel in their exile, "Build houses and dwell in them; plant gardens and eat their fruit." (Jeremiah 29:5). Was he making light of their situation? Not at all. He was essentially saying, "Hey bloom where you are planted!" Serve God regardless of your circumstance. In that same Jeremiah passage God promised that He had plans for the people of Israel--plans to prosper them and to give them hope and a future (29:11). Claim God's promise to the people of Israel... and to you!

Father, I'm excited about seeing what You have planned for my future. Even though my life isn't rosy, I know You're in charge. I'm ready to bloom for you! Amen

So if you are at the point where you don't know what is next. Remember Christ is in charge and already knows what is next for each of us.

Praying you are encouraged in the Lord today.

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