Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The End of 2008

Dear Loved Ones,

As I am reflecting back over the year 2008 the word that comes to my mind is faithfulness. Our Lord has been so faithful to me this year. When things were hard it was to His faithfulness I turned, knowing that my faith was being stretched and built during these times of trials in my own personal life. I am so thankful for our Lord's sustaining faithfulness. As I read through the book of Hebrews recently Chapter 11 encouraged me to be found faithful as the people the Lord mentions there, because they stepped out in faith and believed that God was who He said He was and He would do what He said He would do. “Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

As I summarized why these people were chosen to be mentioned in Chapter 11, one word comes to my mind, Obedience. They stepped out in faith and were obedient even when they didn’t know what would happen. So the character trait I have chosen to ask the Lord to help me work on in my life in 2009 is disciplined obedience.

A song that I have come to love the past couple of months says it all.

Speak O Lord by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

Speak O Lord as we come to You
To receive the food of Your holy word
Take Your truth plant it deep in us
Shape and fashion us in Your likeness
That the light of Christ might be seen today
In our acts of love and our deeds of faith
Speak O Lord and fulfill in us
All Your purposes for Your glory

Teach us Lord full obedience
Holy reverence true humility
Test our thoughts and our attitudes
In the radiance of Your purity
Cause our faith to rise
Cause our eyes to see
Your majestic love and authority
Words of power that can never fail
Let their truth prevail over unbelief

Speak O Lord and renew our minds
Help us grasp the heights of Your plans for us
Truths unchanged from the dawn of time
That will echo down through eternity
And by grace we'll stand on Your promises
And by faith we'll walk as You walk with us
Speak O Lord till Your church is built
And the earth is filled with Your glory

It is my prayer for each of us that we may use this song in the new year as we continue to grow, step out in faith and become obedient to the Lord in every area of our lives.

Hopefully none of us will be the same when we reach December of 2009. I pray that all us grow more to be like Jesus in 2009.

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas is Almost Here!!!

Dear Loved Ones,

Christmas is almost here. I wonder some days how that could be as it was just December 1st on my calander, but in two days we will celebrate Christ's Birth!

I have to admit this has been one of the most relaxed and restful Christmas Seasons I have had in a long time. We decided to keep gifts to a minimum this year and instead enjoy the relationships and friendships of others. I have so enjoyed watching some of the Hallmark Christmas Movies as a family, Reading outloud the book the Christmas Hope as a family each evening. Our advent devotions have been such a good reminder to help keep us focused on who we celebrate. It will be our last Christmas season with Hannah at home and I can say I have enjoyed it the most!

Today we were in Hastings to do some visiting with a couple of shutins from our church. What a joy to hear Pastor Jon read the Christmas Story and remind us about why we celebrate! What a joy to spend time with my pastor hubby today, even with a lunch date at Runza. What a joy to go to WalMart, not with a big list or any gifts to buy there but just to pick up a few necessities before we headed home. WalMart was full of people still shopping for Christmas gifts but I wasn't and that brought me great JOY! It was one of the most relaxing trips I have made there in recent days. What a joy to drive home with it snowing, knowing we will have a White Christmas this year. Joy isn't that what Christmas is all about! Joy that Jesus came down from Heaven as man so that we could have a personal relationship with Him! Joy is Jesus, Others and You and that is my prayer for our family and for our friends this year. Joy to the World the Lord Has Come!!

May you have a blessed time with family and friends as you celebrate the Lord's Birth.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Dear Loved Ones,

We woke up this morning to the most beautiful snowfall I have ever seen. It was just gently coming down and not blowing around. As I sat by the window I was amazed at how peaceful it was. This was a day I didn't have to run here or there, I didn't have to teach a Bible Study or lead a discussion group. I didn't have to clean my house or worry about which group of people were coming over next. It was just a day of peacefulness for me. I am so thankful for this little bit of respite that I was so in need of and I am thankful that I was able to spend it with my family.

I just finished reading "Becoming a True Woman" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. As I was reflecting over all I had read the following came to my mind and I wanted to share it with each of you.

In her book she gives the following explanation: The dictionary defines tur as "consistent with fact or reality; exactly conforming to a rule, standard, or pattern...

The True believer is the real thing. They are a gunuine, authentic Masterpiece. The Master has set eternity in their heart and is conforming them to His own image. There is consistency in their outward behavior because it is dictated by the reality of their inner life. That reality is their redemption. The True believer is a relection of their redemption....By the transforming power of the Gospel, the believer is empowered by God's Spirit to give an increasingly true reflection of their Savior and thus to be a true believer.... This is the essence of a true believer. Regardless of time in history when they inhabit the earth, they are the ones who live in the prescence of glory. Their redeemed character is shaped and driven by God's Word and Spirit. Because they are the very dwelling place of the Lord God, their reflection of Him is manifested in every relationship and circumstance of life. The distinguishing characteristic of their life is His presence in them radiating out to all who see them. The true believers life is not segmented into sacred and secular. All of life is sacred because it is lived in His presence. The true believer is a true reflection of God's glory.

Oh to have this to be said of you and me who love our Lord and want to pursue Him with passion. As we celebrate the Lord's birth may we be a true reflection of God's glory!

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Celebrating the Season

Dear Loved Ones,

I usually try to update my blog on Monday morning, but now it is Thursday! I dont' know where this week went!

This has been an unusually busy week with something going on day and night. Each night as we have been having our advent devotions I sit quietly listening to what the Lord wants to talk to me about. Most often the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about coming quietly before the Lord during the Holiday Rush! I have been cherishing this part of my day as I sit with my hubby and daughter and sing the Christmas Carol in our book and then read how the author of the carol came to write it. The last part is my favorite as the author of the book encourages you to reflect on scripture and then give an plan to apply that scripture to our daily lives. This time has really kept my focus on Christ this Christmas.

As I have been praying about where the Lord will lead me in ministry in 2009, I have also heard the Holy Spirits voice. Beginning in January I will be helping with the children in a local MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) Program. The exciting thing is that I will be ministering along side a great friend as we care for these dear children. An added perk is that it pays a small amount of money each time which I plan on using to invest is the lives of others who I am ministering to. I am excited about this new adventure. With Hannah leaving home next summer to attend College I have been pondering in my heart what I should do with the time I have invested in homeschooling her all these years. I know this is part of my answer.
The other ministry the Lord has been speaking to me about is Prayer. With four young adults who have been part of our family over the years, I know the best gift I can give them is praying for each of them. I am excited to begin pursing this in January. I bought a new NIV Prayer Bible which is loaded with scripture and helps for a deep prayer life. I also have requested a devotional book on prayer to use each day. But for now I will continue to sit quietly listening to the Lord as he teaches me this Christmas Season.

I pray that you will take time to sit at his feet and learn from him also.

Christmas Blessings,


Monday, December 1, 2008

It's Beginning to Look alot Like Christmas!!

I just love this time of the year! I love everything about Christmas. Focusing on Jesus during our advent family devotions, Decorating our house to the max with all the lovely things people of the churches that we have served have given to us over the years, baking lots of traditional Christmas cookies and candies, shopping for the right gift for each person in our family which expresses my love for them,
Christmas Carols, Christmas Programs, Hosting people in our home for a meal or for dessert, eating German Chocolate each night off of our German Chocolate Line that the Molkenthin’s send us each year… I just LOVE the Christmas season!

This year we are using a book called Christ in the Carols for our advent devotions. Tonight the carol was Silent Night. Pastor Jon, Hannah and I sang it in three part harmony as we sat in our family room looking at the Christmas Tree. What a precious moment that was for me. The thought in the story behind the Carol was that it was written in 1818 because the organ at the St. Nicholas Church was not working. The author talked about what Bethlehem may have sounded like on that night so many years ago when our Savior was born. Was it busy with travelers coming to the city for the census? Were the animals in the manger snorting and neighing? In that stable on that cold quiet winter’s night our Savior came quietly into this world. God’s still small voice was speaking then as it continues to speak to us today. The application was that we need to stop and listen for that still small voice of God.

During this busy time of year as each of you has numerous things to do. Don’t forget to listen for the Lord’s still small voice. For we don’t want to miss out on anything the Lord may be trying to tell us as He speaks to us through His Word.

May the Lord be real to you today!
