Thursday, December 11, 2008

Celebrating the Season

Dear Loved Ones,

I usually try to update my blog on Monday morning, but now it is Thursday! I dont' know where this week went!

This has been an unusually busy week with something going on day and night. Each night as we have been having our advent devotions I sit quietly listening to what the Lord wants to talk to me about. Most often the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about coming quietly before the Lord during the Holiday Rush! I have been cherishing this part of my day as I sit with my hubby and daughter and sing the Christmas Carol in our book and then read how the author of the carol came to write it. The last part is my favorite as the author of the book encourages you to reflect on scripture and then give an plan to apply that scripture to our daily lives. This time has really kept my focus on Christ this Christmas.

As I have been praying about where the Lord will lead me in ministry in 2009, I have also heard the Holy Spirits voice. Beginning in January I will be helping with the children in a local MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) Program. The exciting thing is that I will be ministering along side a great friend as we care for these dear children. An added perk is that it pays a small amount of money each time which I plan on using to invest is the lives of others who I am ministering to. I am excited about this new adventure. With Hannah leaving home next summer to attend College I have been pondering in my heart what I should do with the time I have invested in homeschooling her all these years. I know this is part of my answer.
The other ministry the Lord has been speaking to me about is Prayer. With four young adults who have been part of our family over the years, I know the best gift I can give them is praying for each of them. I am excited to begin pursing this in January. I bought a new NIV Prayer Bible which is loaded with scripture and helps for a deep prayer life. I also have requested a devotional book on prayer to use each day. But for now I will continue to sit quietly listening to the Lord as he teaches me this Christmas Season.

I pray that you will take time to sit at his feet and learn from him also.

Christmas Blessings,


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