Monday, December 1, 2008

It's Beginning to Look alot Like Christmas!!

I just love this time of the year! I love everything about Christmas. Focusing on Jesus during our advent family devotions, Decorating our house to the max with all the lovely things people of the churches that we have served have given to us over the years, baking lots of traditional Christmas cookies and candies, shopping for the right gift for each person in our family which expresses my love for them,
Christmas Carols, Christmas Programs, Hosting people in our home for a meal or for dessert, eating German Chocolate each night off of our German Chocolate Line that the Molkenthin’s send us each year… I just LOVE the Christmas season!

This year we are using a book called Christ in the Carols for our advent devotions. Tonight the carol was Silent Night. Pastor Jon, Hannah and I sang it in three part harmony as we sat in our family room looking at the Christmas Tree. What a precious moment that was for me. The thought in the story behind the Carol was that it was written in 1818 because the organ at the St. Nicholas Church was not working. The author talked about what Bethlehem may have sounded like on that night so many years ago when our Savior was born. Was it busy with travelers coming to the city for the census? Were the animals in the manger snorting and neighing? In that stable on that cold quiet winter’s night our Savior came quietly into this world. God’s still small voice was speaking then as it continues to speak to us today. The application was that we need to stop and listen for that still small voice of God.

During this busy time of year as each of you has numerous things to do. Don’t forget to listen for the Lord’s still small voice. For we don’t want to miss out on anything the Lord may be trying to tell us as He speaks to us through His Word.

May the Lord be real to you today!


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