Friday, November 13, 2009

Being Content


I normally don't post more than one a week, but today I have a heavy heart for a dear fellow pastor's family in Red Cloud whos home was on fire yesterday. The damage was to one area of the house, but the smoke and water damage was bad throughout the house.

As I stood there helpless watching these dear people try to control their emotions for their kids sake and make decisions of what to do, I saw the Lord's peace in their lives. It really got me thinking about how I would have reacted to the situation.

In our devotions today, Jon and I read about what true contentment truly is and where we can find that source of contentment. We find that contentment in Jesus Christ Alone. He is truly all we need and he desires to give us all He has. He wants our obedient hearts to see Him with passion and He wants us to be satisfied with all he gives whether it be alot or alittle, He knows just what we need.

If you could keep this dear precious family in your prayers that would be great! I know they would appreciate it as it could be up to six months before they can return to their own home.

Praying that you will also find your total contentment in Jesus.



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