Sunday, January 17, 2010

Half way through

I can't believe we are half way through January. Time flies and life continues on with its ebbs and flows until we blink and another year will be complete. My thoughts lately is that we are one day closer to the Lord's return and that gives me joy to think about the time of His return. It also makes me think about all those people around me that don't know Jesus. Oh they know his name and may even use it from time to time but they don't have the HOPE of heaven that only comes when you accept what He did on the cross to pay the price of yours and my sin. My heart aches for friends and even family who don't know Jesus in a personal way. I guess if I could some up what I want to be remembered for is that I would be a living Jesus to those around me, imperfect as I am, that they might see Him through my witness and my life.

I finally was able to see the movie "The Blind Side" tonight, as I sat there watching it I was reminded of times when the Lord has brought someone into my life to pour out His love into. Sometimes is has been for a brief time and at other times for an extended period of time, but each time it was of His leading. Only Jesus can bring the people across my path that need that kind of love. Over the years I have been in the ministry alongside my hubby the Lord has brought so many individuals with varying personalities and backgrounds, for me to be a living Jesus to, they all are seeking something that only Jesus can give them.

I think back to how He has brought each of our kids across our path at just the time He had planned. I can remember each time that the Lord birthed each of them in my heart. Although some times the pouring out has involved pain and suffering, I am reminded how much Jesus suffered for me. Other times there has been so much joy to share and I am reminded how Christ rejoices over me! He gives me the opportunity to love and to give and to pray knowing that He has a plan for each of them.

Last week I shared I have been reading "Praying for your Adult Children" by Stormie Omartian.
The chapter I have read this week has emphasized that the most important way to pray for them is to ask God to pour out His Spirit upon them and pray that they will welcome an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives. I have to keep in mind that God can do far more for them than I can ever do and I must ask Him to speak to their hearts by the power of His Holy Spirit. My job is to pray and God's job it to answer!

This is also what I need to do with all those that come across my path during my lifetime. Prayer is the best way for me to be a living Jesus to them.

So who do you need to be a living Jesus to today? Could it be the lonely neighbor who needs to be encouraged, a lost relative who needs the saving knowledge of Jesus in their lives, a child who is pondering the Lord's will in their lives... I encourage you today to be that person who leads them closer to Jesus.

Praying your week will be filled with the Lord's Blessings,


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